Sangstream is a very sociable group. Some of the extra things we get up to include:
- Visiting a nearby pub after rehearsals on Thursday nights, such as the Black Ivy on Bruntsfield Links or Bennets at Tollcross.
- Once a month, choir members meet together for an informal song session in the Canons’ Gait in the Royal Mile – usually the 1st Saturday in the month (but check the diary for occasional changes).
- We often have social events, such as our annual Christmas party.
- At least once a year we go away for the weekend to a hostel for some singing and playing / walking / cooking / eating / dancing / acting / treasure hunts / etc. It’s a really great way to get to know other people in the choir better. This year it’s Pitlochry.
- Occasionally we go further away to perform, e.g. at folk festivals.. In 2011 we were in Denmark for a return exchange visit with the Danish choir Naested Koret, in 2013 we were in Ullapool, and in 2023 we had a memorable trip to the Festival Internazionale Corale al Sole della Sardegna, in Sardinia.
- Small groups occasionally meet up with each other to sing and play instruments together.
- Some of us meet up to go to concerts / walking / kayaking / etc.
- A group of Sangstream members stitched one of the panels for the Great Tapestry of Scotland.
- …and lots, lots more…!
Photos on this page and others are courtesy of Pauline Thompson, David Leslie, Ros Gasson, Margaret Ferguson Burns, and other members of Sangstream who all retain copyright.